

Welcome to the Datatriever's companyfacts service API! You can use our API to search and get company data from following countries:

There are currently about 6.7 million records (including historical data) available for search.

Additional countries will be added to the full search during this year, eventually providing access to over 52 million company records.

The basic company data is enriched with WGS84 coordinates and company internet presence data (domains, social media, etc).

We also have data from EUIPO, WIPO, USPTO, tenders, company networks, procurement, and financial sources. Please don't hesitate to contact us for additional information.

We provide tailored integrations and datasets based on customer needs.


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

Make sure to replace foobarkey with your API key.

Companyfacts uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can request a new companyfacts API key via email.

Companyfacts expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:


The API key can also be included as parameter in the query body that looks like the following:


International company search

Search for a company/companies

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "took": 1,
    "timed_out": false,
    "hits": {
        "total": 3,
        "total_relation": "eq",
        "hits": [{
            "_id": "2336509",
            "_score": 2832,
            "_source": {
                "business_id": "2336509-6",
                "company_name": "Supercell Oy",
                "parallel_names": "[\"Supercell Ltd\"]",
                "auxiliary_names": "",
                "street_address_city": "HELSINKI",
                "street_address_country": "FI",
                "trade_register": "FI",
                "nace_rev2": "[\"6202\"]",
                "trade_register_country": "Finland",
                "detail_api_url": ""
        }, {
            "_id": "2875167",
            "_score": 2832,
            "_source": {
                "business_id": "2875167-4",
                "company_name": "Supercell Ventures Oy",
                "parallel_names": "[\"Supercell Ventures Ltd\"]",
                "auxiliary_names": "",
                "street_address_city": "HELSINKI",
                "street_address_country": "FI",
                "trade_register": "FI",
                "nace_rev2": "[\"6499\"]",
                "trade_register_country": "Finland",
                "detail_api_url": ""
        }, {
            "_id": "35664254",
            "_score": 1790,
            "_source": {
                "business_id": "35664254",
                "company_name": "SUPERCELL DANMARK ApS",
                "parallel_names": "",
                "auxiliary_names": "[]",
                "street_address_city": "BRØNDBY",
                "street_address_country": "DK",
                "trade_register": "DK",
                "nace_rev2": "[\"6209\"]",
                "trade_register_country": "Denmark",
                "detail_api_url": ""

This endpoint retrieves all companies matching search string & filters and sorted according to parameters. Currently including countries Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia & Norway.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
query No string Query parameter to search companies from business_id, company_name, parallel_names and auxiliary_names fields. Please remember to URL encode the search string - e.g "foo & bar" to "foor+%26+bar" or "foo%20%26%20bar"
nace_rev2 Yes integer Filter to limit results to NACE Rev2 value (4 digit)
street_address_city Yes string Filter to limit results to specific city. Please remember to URL encode the search string before sending it.
street_address_country Yes string Filter to limit company street address country. Use alpha-2 country codes
trade_register Yes string Filter to limit results to trade_register country. Use alpha-2 country codes. Available values: fi/ee/lv/no/dk
language Yes string en Parameter to define return language. Use alpha-2 country codes. Available values: en/fi/sv/ee/lv/no/dk
sort Yes string Sort results based on sort parameters - please see next paragraph for more details
limit Yes integer 30 Parameter to limit number of results
offset Yes integer 0 Parameter to offset results. Good for paging

All string types are diacritic-insensitive.

Sort parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
company_name Yes string Sort by company names
street_address_city Yes integer Sort by company street address cities
street_address_country Yes string Sort by company street address countries
trade_register Yes string Sort by trade registers. trade_register sort order will adapt to language translations in trade_register_country field. English (en) is the default language

About sort parameters

International company details

Get company details in standardized format from all supported trade registers

This response uses tailored template to facilitate a standardized format so that integrated systems can use the output wih ease.

There is no endpoint to know per se as the search results provide detail_api_url values which works out-of-the box with valid apikey.

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl "[detail_api_url]?apikey=foobarkey"

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "[detail_api_url]" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "10179520",
    "company_name": "Aktsiaselts Tallink Duty Free",
    "parallel_names": [{
        "name": "Aktsiaselts Tallink Duty Free",
        "startDate": "2002-10-29",
        "endDate": null
    "auxiliary_names": [],
    "registered": "1997-01-10",
    "legal_form": {
        "regtype": "AS",
        "regcode": "1",
        "description": {
            "country_specific": "Aktsiaselts",
            "en": "Joint-stock company",
            "fi": "Julkinen osakeyhtiö",
            "sv": "Aktiebolag"
    "postal_address": {
        "city": "Kesklinna linnaosa, Tallinn, Harju maakond",
        "street": "Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Sadama tn 7",
        "entrance": null,
        "countryIso": null,
        "postalCode": "10111",
        "postOfficeBox": null,
        "buildingNumber": null,
        "apartmentNumber": null
    "street_address": {
        "city": null,
        "street": null,
        "entrance": null,
        "countryIso": null,
        "postalCode": null,
        "postOfficeBox": null,
        "buildingNumber": null,
        "apartmentNumber": null
    "address_coordinates": {
        "postal_address_lat_wgs84": "59.44463270645594",
        "postal_address_lon_wgs84": "24.754850288280817",
        "street_address_lat_wgs84": null,
        "street_address_lon_wgs84": null
    "nace_rev2": ["4711", "4639"],
    "contacts": [{
        "name": "EMAIL",
        "value": "[email protected]"
    }, {
        "name": "EMAIL",
        "value": "[email protected]"
    }, {
        "name": "TEL",
        "value": "+372 6409800"
    }, {
        "name": "FAX",
        "value": "+372 6409810"
    }, {
        "name": "WWW",
        "value": ""
    "homepage": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific company details.

HTTP Request

GET [detail_api_url]

URL Parameters

Only detail_api_url from the international company search results and apikey needed

New Finnish companies

Get list of latest new Finnish companies

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "3364452-3",
    "company_name": "Maalausliike Lindholm",
    "business_id_start_date": "2023-05-11",
    "business_line_no": "43341",
    "business_line_fi": "Maalaus",
    "business_line_sv": "Måleriarbeten",
    "business_line_en": "Painting",
    "legal_form_no": "26",
    "legal_form_fi": "Yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja",
    "added_timestamp": "2023-05-28T13:20:00.723181"
}, {
    "business_id": "3367097-5",
    "company_name": "Loiste organizing",
    "business_id_start_date": "2023-05-24",
    "business_line_no": "81299",
    "business_line_fi": "Muualla luokittelemattomat siivouspalvelut",
    "business_line_sv": "Andra rengöringstjänster",
    "business_line_en": "Cleaning activities n.e.c.",
    "legal_form_no": "26",
    "legal_form_fi": "Yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja",
    "added_timestamp": "2023-05-28T13:20:00.723181"
}, {
    "business_id": "3363172-2",
    "company_name": "Soka",
    "business_id_start_date": "2023-05-05",
    "business_line_no": "43341",
    "business_line_fi": "Maalaus",
    "business_line_sv": "Måleriarbeten",
    "business_line_en": "Painting",
    "legal_form_no": "26",
    "legal_form_fi": "Yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja",
    "added_timestamp": "2023-05-28T13:20:00.723181"
}, {
    "business_id": "3255049-6",
    "company_name": "Zain Taksipalvelu",
    "business_id_start_date": "2021-12-16",
    "business_line_no": "49320",
    "business_line_fi": "Taksiliikenne",
    "business_line_sv": "Taxitrafik",
    "business_line_en": "Taxi operation",
    "legal_form_no": "26",
    "legal_form_fi": "Yksityinen elinkeinonharjoittaja",
    "added_timestamp": "2023-05-28T13:20:00.723181"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
limit Yes integer Greater than 0, less than 400

Finnish companies data changes

Get list of Finnish companies having data updated between dates per changetype

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "0100455-6"
}, {
    "business_id": "0101760-5"
}, {
    "business_id": "0106656-2"
}, {
    "business_id": "0117074-9"
}, {
    "business_id": "0156606-5"
}, {
    "business_id": "0159413-8"
}, {
    "business_id": "0161229-5"
}, {
    "business_id": "0168911-0"
}, {
    "business_id": "0172548-4"
}, {
    "business_id": "0177720-9"
}, {
    "business_id": "0181544-7"
}, {
    "business_id": "0184184-8"
}, {
    "business_id": "0191042-8"
}, {
    "business_id": "0191082-3"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
datefrom No date Date from (e.g. 2023-05-23)
dateto No date Date to (e.g. 2023-05-25)
querytype Yes string ORK/TIEKE/TRAFICOM/YTJ/[none]

Query types

Finnish company details (with TIEKE)

Get comprehensive listing of Finnish company details (cached)

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "3274195-4",
    "trade_name": "Datatriever Oy",
    "trade_name_since": "2022-03-18",
    "company_status": true,
    "business_id_start_date": "2022-03-14",
    "auxiliary_names": [],
    "parallel_names": [],
    "person": null,
    "bankruptcy": {},
    "reorganisation": {},
    "liquidation": {},
    "interruption": {},
    "legal_form": {
        "active": "true",
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "description": {
            "en": "Limited company",
            "fi": "Osakeyhtiö",
            "sv": "Aktiebolag"
        "primaryCode": "YRMU",
        "secondaryCode": "16"
    "municipality": {
        "active": "true",
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "description": {
            "en": "ESPOO",
            "fi": "ESPOO",
            "sv": "ESBO"
        "municipalityPrimary": "KUNTA",
        "municipalitySecondary": "049"
    "business_line": {
        "active": "true",
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "description": {
            "en": "Computer programming activities",
            "fi": "Ohjelmistojen suunnittelu ja valmistus",
            "sv": "Dataprogrammering"
        "businessLine": "62010"
    "language": {
        "active": "true",
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "description": {
            "en": "Finnish",
            "fi": "Suomi",
            "sv": "Suomi"
    "company_statuses": {
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "company_status": {
            "en": "Valid",
            "fi": "Voimassa",
            "sv": "Giltigt"
        "business_id_status": {
            "en": "Valid",
            "fi": "Voimassa",
            "sv": "Giltigt"
    "postal_address": {
        "city": "ESPOO",
        "careOf": "c/o Otala",
        "street": "Olkipolku",
        "country": {
            "en": "FINLAND",
            "fi": "SUOMI",
            "sv": "FINLAND"
        "endDate": null,
        "entrance": "B",
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "countryIso": "FI",
        "postalCode": "02620",
        "description": {
            "en": "Postal address",
            "fi": "Postiosoite",
            "sv": "Postadress"
        "postOfficeBox": null,
        "buildingNumber": "7",
        "apartmentNumber": null,
        "apartmentIDSuffix": null
    "street_address": {},
    "contacts": [{
        "value": "",
        "endDate": null,
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "description": {
            "en": "Website address",
            "fi": "Kotisivun www-osoite",
            "sv": "www-adress"
    "registrations_in_force": [{
        "validity": {
            "endDate": null,
            "startDate": "2022-03-18"
        "registryName": {
            "en": "Trade register",
            "fi": "Kaupparekisteri",
            "sv": "Handelsregistret"
        "registryStatus": {
            "en": "Registered",
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad"
    }, {
        "validity": {
            "endDate": null,
            "startDate": "2022-03-14"
        "registryName": {
            "en": "Value added tax-liability",
            "fi": "Arvonlisäverovelvollisuus",
            "sv": "Momsskyldighet"
        "registryStatus": {
            "en": "VAT-liable for business activity",
            "fi": "Liiketoiminnasta arvonlisäverovelvollinen",
            "sv": "Momsskyldig för rörelseverksamhet"
    }, {
        "validity": {
            "endDate": null,
            "startDate": "2022-03-14"
        "registryName": {
            "en": "Prepayment register",
            "fi": "Ennakkoperintärekisteri",
            "sv": "Förskottsuppbördsregistret"
        "registryStatus": {
            "en": "Registered",
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad"
    }, {
        "validity": {
            "endDate": null,
            "startDate": "2022-03-18"
        "registryName": {
            "en": "Tax Administration",
            "fi": "Verohallinnon perustiedot",
            "sv": "Skatteförvaltningens basuppgifter"
        "registryStatus": {
            "en": "Registered",
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad"
    "business_id_history": [],
    "in_debt_adjustment": {},
    "id_status": true,
    "record_updated": "2023-02-01T17:30:18.933482",
    "address_coordinates": {
        "street_address_lat_wgs84": null,
        "street_address_lon_wgs84": null,
        "postal_address_lat_wgs84": 60.236816,
        "postal_address_lon_wgs84": 24.757543
    "company_taxation": null,
    "statistics_finland": null,
    "company_internet": {
        "primary_domain": "",
        "primary_domain_source": "Company web address record",
        "social_media": {}
    "company_logo": {
        "logo_url": null,
        "logo_source": "twitter"
    "eaddress": [{
        "receiving": [{
            "name": "Datatriever Oy",
            "address": "003732741954",
            "operatorCode": "003721291126",
            "operator": "Maventa",
            "ovt": "003732741954",
            "appendixAllowed": "Yes"
    }, {
        "sending": [{
            "name": "Datatriever Oy",
            "operatorCode": "003721291126",
            "operator": "Maventa",
            "ovt": "003732741954"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
business_id No string Finnish company business ID

Finnish company details (realtime)

Finnish company trade register data realtime with company age calculation on the end

Listing specific company data changes in order of change_timeatamp.

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "3274195-4",
    "trade_name": "Datatriever Oy",
    "trade_name_since": "2022-03-18",
    "person": null,
    "auxiliary_names": [],
    "parallel_names": [],
    "bankruptcy": {},
    "reorganisation": {},
    "liquidation": {},
    "interruption": {},
    "legal_form": {
        "active": "true",
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "endDate": null,
        "primaryCode": "YRMU",
        "secondaryCode": "16",
        "description": {
            "fi": "Osakeyhtiö",
            "sv": "Aktiebolag",
            "en": "Limited company"
    "municipality": {
        "active": "true",
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "endDate": null,
        "municipalityPrimary": "KUNTA",
        "municipalitySecondary": "049",
        "description": {
            "fi": "ESPOO",
            "sv": "ESBO",
            "en": "ESPOO"
    "business_line": {
        "active": "true",
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "endDate": null,
        "businessLine": "62010",
        "description": {
            "fi": "Ohjelmistojen suunnittelu ja valmistus",
            "sv": "Dataprogrammering",
            "en": "Computer programming activities"
    "language": {
        "active": "true",
        "startDate": "2022-03-18",
        "endDate": null,
        "description": {
            "fi": "Suomi",
            "sv": "Finska",
            "en": "Finnish"
    "company_status": true,
    "id_status": true,
    "business_id_start_date": "2022-03-14",
    "company_statuses": {
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "endDate": null,
        "business_id_status": {
            "fi": "Voimassa",
            "sv": "Giltigt",
            "en": "Valid"
        "company_status": {
            "fi": "Voimassa",
            "sv": "Giltigt",
            "en": "Valid"
    "postal_address": {
        "careOf": "c/o Otala",
        "street": "Olkipolku",
        "postOfficeBox": null,
        "buildingNumber": "7",
        "entrance": "B",
        "apartmentNumber": null,
        "apartmentIDSuffix": null,
        "postalCode": "02620",
        "city": "ESPOO",
        "countryIso": "FI",
        "country": {
            "fi": "SUOMI",
            "sv": "FINLAND",
            "en": "FINLAND"
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "endDate": null,
        "description": {
            "fi": "Postiosoite",
            "sv": "Postadress",
            "en": "Postal address"
    "street_address": {},
    "contacts": [{
        "value": "",
        "startDate": "2022-03-14",
        "endDate": null,
        "description": {
            "fi": "Kotisivun www-osoite",
            "sv": "www-adress",
            "en": "Website address"
    "registrations_in_force": [{
        "registryName": {
            "fi": "Kaupparekisteri",
            "sv": "Handelsregistret",
            "en": "Trade register"
        "registryStatus": {
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad",
            "en": "Registered"
        "validity": {
            "startDate": "2022-03-18",
            "endDate": null
    }, {
        "registryName": {
            "fi": "Arvonlisäverovelvollisuus",
            "sv": "Momsskyldighet",
            "en": "Value added tax-liability"
        "registryStatus": {
            "fi": "Liiketoiminnasta arvonlisäverovelvollinen",
            "sv": "Momsskyldig för rörelseverksamhet",
            "en": "VAT-liable for business activity"
        "validity": {
            "startDate": "2022-03-14",
            "endDate": null
    }, {
        "registryName": {
            "fi": "Ennakkoperintärekisteri",
            "sv": "Förskottsuppbördsregistret",
            "en": "Prepayment register"
        "registryStatus": {
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad",
            "en": "Registered"
        "validity": {
            "startDate": "2022-03-14",
            "endDate": null
    }, {
        "registryName": {
            "fi": "Verohallinnon perustiedot",
            "sv": "Skatteförvaltningens basuppgifter",
            "en": "Tax Administration"
        "registryStatus": {
            "fi": "Rekisterissä",
            "sv": "Registrerad",
            "en": "Registered"
        "validity": {
            "startDate": "2022-03-18",
            "endDate": null
    "business_id_history": [],
    "in_debt_adjustment": {},
    "company_age": {
        "years": 1,
        "months": 2,
        "days": 14

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
business_id No string Finnish company business ID

Finnish company public notices

Get list of public notices per company

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "HAL",
    "entrycode_fi": "HALLITUS",
    "entrycode_sv": "STYRELSE",
    "entrycode_en": "BOARD OF DIRECTORS"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "KOTI",
    "entrycode_fi": "KOTIPAIKKA",
    "entrycode_sv": "HEMORT",
    "entrycode_en": "REGISTERED OFFICE"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "NIMA",
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "NIML",
    "entrycode_fi": "LAKIMÄÄRÄINEN EDUSTAMINEN",
    "entrycode_sv": "LAGBESTÄMT FÖRETRÄDANDE",
    "entrycode_en": "LEGAL REPRESENTATION"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "NORTIL",
    "entrycode_fi": "NORMAALI TILIKAUSI",
    "entrycode_sv": "RÄKENSKAPSPERIOD",
    "entrycode_en": "NORMAL ACCOUNTING PERIOD"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "OPO",
    "entrycode_fi": "OSAKEPÄÄOMA",
    "entrycode_sv": "AKTIEKAPITAL",
    "entrycode_en": "SHARE CAPITAL"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "OSLUKU",
    "entrycode_fi": "Osakkeiden lukumäärä",
    "entrycode_sv": "Antal aktier",
    "entrycode_en": "Number of shares"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "PERUS",
    "entrycode_fi": "PERUSTAMINEN",
    "entrycode_sv": "BILDANDE",
    "entrycode_en": "FORMATION"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "POITIL",
    "entrycode_fi": "POIKKEAVA TILIKAUSI",
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "TAL",
    "entrycode_fi": "TOIMIALA",
    "entrycode_sv": "VERKSAMHETSOMRÅDE",
    "entrycode_en": "LINE OF BUSINESS"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "TILTAR",
    "entrycode_fi": "TILINTARKASTAJAT",
    "entrycode_sv": "REVISORER",
    "entrycode_en": "AUDITORS"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "TMI",
    "entrycode_fi": "TOIMINIMI",
    "entrycode_sv": "FIRMA",
    "entrycode_en": "COMPANY NAME"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/104376",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-18",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "U",
    "reg_type_fi": "Perustaminen",
    "reg_type_sv": "Grundanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Start-up notification",
    "entrycode": "TOIM",
    "entrycode_fi": "Toimitusjohtajat",
    "entrycode_sv": "Verkställande direktörer",
    "entrycode_en": "Managing directors"
}, {
    "diaari": "2022/114439",
    "registration_date": "2022-03-21",
    "reg_office": "Espoo",
    "reg_type": "M",
    "reg_type_fi": "Muutosilmoitus",
    "reg_type_sv": "Ändringsanmälan",
    "reg_type_en": "Amendment notification",
    "entrycode": "ESR",
    "entrycode_fi": "TOSIASIALLISET EDUNSAAJAT",
    "entrycode_sv": "VERKLIGA FÖRMÅNSTAGARE",
    "entrycode_en": "ACTUAL BENEFICIAL OWNERS"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
business_id No string Finnish company business ID

Finnish company data changes

Get list of Finnish company data changes

Listing specific company data changes in order of change_timeatamp.

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-18T00:00:00",
    "origin": "YTJ_OPEN",
    "key": "publicNotice",
    "value": {
        "name": "Datatriever Oy",
        "businessId": "3274195-4",
        "detailsUri": "",
        "entryCodes": ["HAL", "KOTI", "NIMA", "NIML", "NORTIL", "OPO", "OSLUKU", "PERUS", "POITIL", "TAL", "TILTAR", "TMI", "TOIM"],
        "recordNumber": "2022/104376",
        "registeredOffice": "Espoo",
        "registrationDate": "2022-03-18",
        "companyDetailsUri": null,
        "typeOfRegistration": "U",
        "bisCompanyDetailsUri": null
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-04-10T20:14:21.461246"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "municipality",
    "value": {
        "startDate": ["2022-03-14", "2022-03-18"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.398466"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "idStatus",
    "value": [false, true],
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.401666"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "registrationInForce",
    "value": {
        "0": {
            "validity": {
                "startDate": ["2022-03-14", "2022-03-18"]
            "registryStatus": {
                "en": ["Unregistered", "Registered"],
                "fi": ["Rekisteröimätön", "Rekisterissä"],
                "sv": ["Oregistrerad", "Registrerad"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.404751"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "legalForm",
    "value": {
        "startDate": ["2022-03-14", "2022-03-18"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.392837"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "companyStatus",
    "value": [false, true],
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.400014"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "companyStatuses",
    "value": {
        "company_status": {
            "en": ["Pending", "Valid"],
            "fi": ["Vireillä", "Voimassa"],
            "sv": ["Mottagits", "Giltigt"]
        "business_id_status": {
            "en": ["Pending", "Valid"],
            "fi": ["Vireillä", "Voimassa"],
            "sv": ["Mottagits", "Giltigt"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.403082"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "registrationHistory",
    "value": {
        "0": {
            "validity": {
                "startDate": ["2022-03-14", "2022-03-18"]
            "registrationDate": ["2022-03-14T00:00:00", "2022-03-18T08:08:40"],
            "registryCodeSecondary": ["0", "1"],
            "registryCodeDescriptions": {
                "en": ["Unregistered", "Registered"],
                "fi": ["Rekisteröimätön", "Rekisterissä"],
                "sv": ["Oregistrerad", "Registrerad"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.406214"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-19T03:28:58.207007",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "tradeNameSince",
    "value": ["2022-03-14", "2022-03-18"],
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-19T04:17:57.391278"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-21T00:00:00",
    "origin": "YTJ_OPEN",
    "key": "publicNotice",
    "value": {
        "name": "Datatriever Oy",
        "businessId": "3274195-4",
        "detailsUri": "",
        "entryCodes": ["ESR"],
        "recordNumber": "2022/114439",
        "registeredOffice": "Espoo",
        "registrationDate": "2022-03-21",
        "companyDetailsUri": null,
        "typeOfRegistration": "M",
        "bisCompanyDetailsUri": null
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-04-10T20:15:57.281611"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-22T06:13:41.590398",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "registrationInForce",
    "value": {
        "$insert": [
            [1, {
                "validity": {
                    "endDate": null,
                    "startDate": "2022-03-14"
                "registryName": {
                    "en": "Value added tax-liability",
                    "fi": "Arvonlisäverovelvollisuus",
                    "sv": "Momsskyldighet"
                "registryStatus": {
                    "en": "VAT-liable for business activity",
                    "fi": "Liiketoiminnasta arvonlisäverovelvollinen",
                    "sv": "Momsskyldig för rörelseverksamhet"
            [2, {
                "validity": {
                    "endDate": null,
                    "startDate": "2022-03-14"
                "registryName": {
                    "en": "Prepayment register",
                    "fi": "Ennakkoperintärekisteri",
                    "sv": "Förskottsuppbördsregistret"
                "registryStatus": {
                    "en": "Registered",
                    "fi": "Rekisterissä",
                    "sv": "Registrerad"
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-22T06:23:43.335623"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-03-22T06:13:41.590398",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "registrationHistory",
    "value": {
        "3": {
            "registrationDate": ["2022-03-18T00:00:00", "2022-03-22T00:00:00"]
        "$insert": [
            [1, {
                "validity": {
                    "endDate": null,
                    "startDate": "2022-03-14"
                "registryPrimary": "REK",
                "authorityPrimary": "VIRANOM",
                "registrationDate": "2022-03-21T00:00:00",
                "registrySecondary": "6",
                "authoritySecondary": "1",
                "registryCodePrimary": "REK_KDI",
                "registryDescriptions": {
                    "en": "Value added tax-liability",
                    "fi": "Arvonlisäverovelvollisuus",
                    "sv": "Momsskyldighet"
                "authorityDescriptions": {
                    "en": "Tax Administration",
                    "fi": "Verohallinto",
                    "sv": "Skatteförvaltningen"
                "registryCodeSecondary": "80",
                "registryCodeDescriptions": {
                    "en": "VAT-liable for business activity",
                    "fi": "Liiketoiminnasta arvonlisäverovelvollinen",
                    "sv": "Momsskyldig för rörelseverksamhet"
            [2, {
                "validity": {
                    "endDate": null,
                    "startDate": "2022-03-14"
                "registryPrimary": "REK",
                "authorityPrimary": "VIRANOM",
                "registrationDate": "2022-03-21T00:00:00",
                "registrySecondary": "5",
                "authoritySecondary": "1",
                "registryCodePrimary": "REK_KDI",
                "registryDescriptions": {
                    "en": "Prepayment register",
                    "fi": "Ennakkoperintärekisteri",
                    "sv": "Förskottsuppbördsregistret"
                "authorityDescriptions": {
                    "en": "Tax Administration",
                    "fi": "Verohallinto",
                    "sv": "Skatteförvaltningen"
                "registryCodeSecondary": "55",
                "registryCodeDescriptions": {
                    "en": "Registered",
                    "fi": "Rekisterissä",
                    "sv": "Registrerad"
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-03-22T06:23:43.337615"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-04-13T02:16:13.851324",
    "origin": "TIEKE",
    "key": "eaddressChange",
    "value": null,
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-04-13T03:06:14.000152"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2022-05-03T02:15:59.371402",
    "origin": "TIEKE",
    "key": "eaddressChange",
    "value": null,
    "detect_timestamp": "2022-05-03T03:06:14.161598"
}, {
    "change_timestamp": "2023-02-01T16:10:02.970559",
    "origin": "YTJ",
    "key": "registrationHistory",
    "value": {
        "3": {
            "registrationDate": ["2022-03-22T00:00:00", "2023-02-01T00:00:00"]
    "detect_timestamp": "2023-02-01T20:46:15.543837"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
datefrom No date Date from (e.g. 2023-05-23)
dateto No date Date to (e.g. 2023-05-25)
business_id No string Finnish company business ID

Finnish company taxation

Get Finnish company taxation history

Listing specific company annual taxation. All numbers listed are in euros €

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "tax_year": "2011",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "2736443.44",
    "collected_tax_total": "711285.35",
    "advances_total": "777223.35",
    "tax_refund": "65938.00",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2012",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "5442832.45",
    "collected_tax_total": "1333503.59",
    "advances_total": "1333483.34",
    "tax_refund": "0.00",
    "tax_remains": "20.25",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2013",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "3911497.45",
    "collected_tax_total": "959446.65",
    "advances_total": "1602537.97",
    "tax_refund": "643091.32",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2014",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "11530141.49",
    "collected_tax_total": "2316515.00",
    "advances_total": "1783133.53",
    "tax_refund": "0.00",
    "tax_remains": "533381.47",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2015",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "3421666.16",
    "collected_tax_total": "686412.53",
    "advances_total": "1002999.96",
    "tax_refund": "316587.43",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2016",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "6084052.32",
    "collected_tax_total": "1216633.58",
    "advances_total": "2309028.24",
    "tax_refund": "1092394.66",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2017",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "4118840.97",
    "collected_tax_total": "826768.19",
    "advances_total": "1219810.44",
    "tax_refund": "393042.25",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2018",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "3865961.82",
    "collected_tax_total": "776192.36",
    "advances_total": "1219810.44",
    "tax_refund": "443618.08",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2019",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "4598292.85",
    "collected_tax_total": "922658.57",
    "advances_total": "826768.08",
    "tax_refund": "0.00",
    "tax_remains": "95890.49",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2020",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "6347980.72",
    "collected_tax_total": "1272596.14",
    "advances_total": "1272596.20",
    "tax_refund": "0.06",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"
}, {
    "tax_year": "2021",
    "business_id": "0194053-9",
    "taxable_income": "10769611.73",
    "collected_tax_total": "2156922.35",
    "advances_total": "2156922.40",
    "tax_refund": "0.05",
    "tax_remains": "0.00",
    "tax_district": "091 Helsinki"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
business_id No string Finnish company business ID

Finnish bankruptcy filings

Get list of latest Finnish bankruptcy filings

Please noticed that bankruptcy can be cancelled and this query only lists initiated ones, not later cancelled

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "K156329",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "K156328",
    "title": "Foobar Ltd Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "K156327",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "K156321",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
limit Yes integer Greater than 0, less than 100

Finnish bankruptcy rulings

Get list of latest Finnish bankruptcy rulings

Please noticed that this query only returns ones that are reported to reach the final ruling

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "business_id": "1234567-9",
        "id": "K156329",
        "title": "Foobar Oy",
        "date": "2023-05-26",
        "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
        "instance": "company"
}, {
        "business_id": "1234567-9",
        "id": "K156328",
        "title": "Foobar Ltd Oy",
        "date": "2023-05-26",
        "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
        "instance": "company"
}, {
        "business_id": "1234567-9",
        "id": "K156327",
        "title": "Foobar Oy",
        "date": "2023-05-26",
        "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
        "instance": "company"
}, {
        "business_id": "1234567-9",
        "id": "K156321",
        "title": "Foobar Oy",
        "date": "2023-05-26",
        "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>KONKURSSIASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
        "instance": "company"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
limit Yes integer Greater than 0, less than 100

Finnish restructurings filings

Get list of latest Finnish banrestructurings filings

Please noticed that restructurings can be cancelled and this query only lists initiated ones, not later cancelled

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156329",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156328",
    "title": "Foobar Ltd Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156327",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156321",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Optional Type Default Description
limit Yes integer Greater than 0, less than 100

Finnish restructurings rulings

Get list of latest Finnish bankruptcy rulings

Please noticed that this query only returns ones that are reported to reach the final ruling

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in URL
curl ""

# With shell, you can pass the correct apikey in header with each request
curl "" \
  -H "apikey:foobarkey"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156329",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156328",
    "title": "Foobar Ltd Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156327",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"
}, {
    "business_id": "1234567-9",
    "id": "Y156321",
    "title": "Foobar Oy",
    "date": "2023-05-26",
    "text": "<div class=\"report\">\n<h3>YRITYSSANEERAUSASIA</h3><div class=\"Listaus\">Velallinen: ....</div></div>",
    "instance": "company"

### HTTP Request


### URL Parameters

Parameter              | Optional | Type    | Default | Description
---------------------- | -------- | ------- |-------- | ------------------
limit                  | Yes      | integer |         | Greater than 0, less than 100

# More to follow soon...


The Datatriever's companyfacts service API uses the following error codes:

Will be added later